Nabil Tueme

Graduate Research Fellow

Nabil Tueme is PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, CT. Her research focuses on the roles of religion and family in Latino political mobilization and social movement activism. Her dissertation, Reconceptualizing High-Risk Activism in Latino Youth Mobilization, is a study of how Latino activists perceive the risks of protest. While social movement scholars have long distinguished between “high” and “low” risk tactics, these distinctions rarely account for subjective perceptions of risk, for how risk varies depending on protesters’ social location, and for risks to family and community members. The case of Latino youth mobilization – in which an errant Tweet can lead to the deportation of an activist or their family members – troubles these distinctions. Using interview, content, and survey data analyses, this study deepens our understanding of Latino political mobilization, and more generally, of how activists evaluate risk.

Nabil’s work has been published in Sociology Compass, and she is currently working on two manuscripts related to non-Black Latinx engagement in the 2020 Black Lives Matter summer protests. Nabil is also the 2021-2022 BIPOC Research Fellow at the Springtide Research Institute, where she conducts research on the faith and political lives of young Latinx persons.

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