Month: June 2024

News Weekly Round-Up, June 24th – 28th

News Weekly Round-Up, June 24th – 28th, 2024.

The Weekly Roundup is a student-led initiative of the Meanings of Democracy Lab highlighting the latest news about Christian Nationalism and resistance to it.


  • Northeastern Global News:  Jeremy Paul, a professor of law at Northeastern, deemed Louisiana’s Ten Commandments ‘intimidating and coercive’
  • The Fayetteville Observer: Black, gay Fayetteville minister Mark Robinson details Christian Nationalism in North Carolina towards the LGBTQ+ community
  • Axios: Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled what would be the nation’s first publicly funded religious school unconstitutional
  • PBS: After the Oklahoma Supreme Court blocked public funding for a Catholic charter school, State Superintendent Ryan Walters mandates Bibles in every public school classroom
  • RFK Jr.’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, warns of ‘demonic’ influence in the government
  • U.S. Catholic: Reverend Jim Wallis, author of The False White Gospel, spoke on white Christian Nationalism on the Just Politics podcast (transcript included)
  • The Hill: The implications of Louisiana’s Ten Commandments law

Check out last week’s round-up!

News Weekly Round-Up, June 17th – 21st

News Weekly Round-Up, June 17th – 21st, 2024.

The Weekly Roundup is a student-led initiative of the Meanings of Democracy Lab highlighting the latest news about Christian Nationalism and resistance to it.


  • CNN: A voucher program is sending taxpayer money to private religious schools
  • Louisville Public Radio: Women leaders and members oppose the Southern Baptist Convention’s priorities
  • The Hill: The ACLU, ACLU of Louisiana, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and the Freedom from Religion Foundation filed a lawsuit against a Louisiana law requiring the Ten Commandments in classrooms
  • VPM: The Extremely American podcast returns with a focus on the rise of Christian Nationalism in the college town of Moscow, Idaho
  • Politico: Michael Flynn, former Trump insider, is using harmful Christian Nationalist rhetoric to describe American politics
  • Axios: Louisiana becomes the first state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in all public schools
  • Newsweek: The Southern Baptist Convention voted to oppose in vitro fertilization (IVF)

Check out the previous round-up!

Profiles in Resistance: Repairers of the Breach

Led by Reverend Dr. William J. Barber II, a Co-Chair of the Poor People’s Campaign and former North Carolina president and national board member of the NAACP, Repairers of the Breach is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) not-for-profit training activists, artists, and faith leaders to organize and mobilize. Their advocacy around a moral policy agenda prioritizing love, truth, and justice thrust them into the conversation regarding Christian Nationalism.

Photo Credit: Pilar Tempane on Flickr

ROTB views religious nationalism, which promotes the view that America was founded on Christian values and should be governed as such, as a “distorted moral narrative” that is “used in defense of regressive public policies.” In order to address systemic injustices through a moral framework, ROTB believes that faith communities can shift the moral narrative to one of love and inclusivity. Religious nationalism runs contrary to their goal of “peace within and among nations, the dignity and wellness of all people, equal protection under the law, and the responsibility to care for our common home.

Photo Credit: Becker1999 on Flickr

ROTB was founded in 2015 with the mission of reclaiming the language of morality from religious extremists that became prominent in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election. This effort is carried our through their Moral Fusion Organizing initiative, which supports grassroots and national movements for social change by advocating for multi-identity and multi-issue organizing. By reclaiming the moral language of the public square, ROTB challenges “so-called conservatives” who “hijack the powerful language of faith” in partisan debates. ROTB’s Poor People’s Campaign joins religious leaders of all races and faiths to combat systemic poverty, thereby promoting multiculturalism and cooperation in the face of pressing partisan divides regarding how to address poverty in the United States. Examples of efforts by the Poor People’s Campaign include the Moral March on Washington, teach-ins, and Moral Monday Rallies across the country.

Katherine Dattner is an honors political science major at the University of Connecticut. Her interests include public policy and international relations.

For more information about the organizations and individuals resisting Christian Nationalism in the United States today, check out our Pluralist Resistance to Christian Nationalism project page.

The Pluralist Resistance Doc-list

Looking to keep up with the latest documentary films and podcasts about Christian Nationalism? There is so much creative and insightful content being created about Christian Nationalism, its history, and the real people working to both spread and resist it. We’ve screened it all so you don’t have to. Here are the docs we recommend most. Let us know if you have any suggested additions to the list!

America First hat, God Guns and Trump hat
Source: God & Country film



BAD FAITH: Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy

CHARISMATIC REVIVAL FURY: The New Apostolic Reformation


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