The Pluralist Resistance Doc-list

Looking to keep up with the latest documentary films and podcasts about Christian Nationalism? There is so much creative and insightful content being created about Christian Nationalism, its history, and the real people working to both spread and resist it. We’ve screened it all so you don’t have to. Here are the docs we recommend most. Let us know if you have any suggested additions to the list!

America First hat, God Guns and Trump hat
Source: God & Country film



BAD FAITH: Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy

CHARISMATIC REVIVAL FURY: The New Apostolic Reformation


SHINY HAPPY PEOPLE: Duggar Family Secrets

SPIRITUAL WARRIORS: Decoding Christian Nationalism at the Capitol Riot



Looking to go deeper? Check out our Pluralist Resistance Syllabus and our YouTube playlist, and follow our Twitter list. And be sure to follow us on social media @USDemocracyLab and search our hashtag #PluralistResistance.

NOTE: This is a working list, and we invite you to submit suggestions for additions to Dr. Ruth Braunstein at