Month: August 2024

News Weekly Round-Up, August 26th – August 30th

News Weekly Round-Up, August 26th – August 30th, 2024.

The Weekly Roundup is a student-led initiative of the Meanings of Democracy Lab highlighting the latest news about Christian Nationalism and resistance to it.

Picking up from last week, the Meanings’ team followed stories on Christian resistance against Christian Nationalism and more. Here’s the latest on Christian Nationalism!


  • Sojourners: How Christians Can Counter Christian Nationalism
  • KUOW: Pride and Christian Nationalism in Yakima City
  • WORT-FM 89.9: Christian resistance against Christian Nationalism
  • The Oklahoman: Separation of church and state benefits both

Check out the previous round-up!

The Company You Keep

The Company You Keep is a living resource documenting organizations and individuals with ties to Project 2025 and resistance efforts to Christian Nationalism.

Last update: August 28, 2024

Undercover investigators from the Centre for Climate Reporting recorded a conversation with Russell Vought, a key author of Project 2025 and former appointee as the deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget under former President Donald Trump.

View the footage

Read the full story


I want to make sure that we can say we are a Christian nation. And my viewpoint is mostly that I would probably be Christian nation-ism. That’s pretty close to Christian nationalism because I also believe in nationalism.”

Despite distancing himself from Project 2025, Donald Trump’s connections to the plan don’t end at Vought. Stephen Miller, head of America First Legal, served as a senior advisor for policy and White House director of speechwriting to President Donald Trump. America First Legal was a member of the Project 2025 advisory board until July.

Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters is pushing Bibles into public schools. Americans United wrote on Walters’ connections to Project 2025 and Christian Nationalism, including Mary Vought, the wife of Russell Vought.

Much like the 900-page document, the Heritage Foundation’s partners are also publicly available. Here’s Project 2025’s more than 100 partners “in preparation for the next president”. Teddy Wilson is mapping the organizations and individuals behind Project 2025. Find out more here. Wilson previously produced a map of the January 6th Capitol riot. But the public stuff accounts for only phase one of Project 2025, leaving us to wonder and act in advance of the more secretive phase two Vought alluded to.


Resistance Resources

Americans United:

News Weekly Round-Up, August 19th – August 23rd

News Weekly Round-Up, August 19th – August 23rd, 2024.

The Weekly Roundup is a student-led initiative of the Meanings of Democracy Lab highlighting the latest news about Christian Nationalism and resistance to it.

This week, the Meanings’ team followed stories on Christian resistance against Christian Nationalism and more. Here’s the latest on Christian Nationalism!


Check out the previous round-up!

News Weekly Round-Up, August 12th – August 16th

News Weekly Round-Up, August 12th – August 16th, 2024.

The Weekly Roundup is a student-led initiative of the Meanings of Democracy Lab highlighting the latest news about Christian Nationalism and resistance to it.

This week, the Meanings’ team followed stories on leaked Project 2025 videos and training tapes and more. Here’s the latest on Christian Nationalism!


  • Faith and Leadership: Interview with our Ruth Braunstein
  • ProPublica: Leaked Project 2025 training videos
  • The Presbyterian Outlook: Rev. Haley Ballast explores three churches in the Seattle-area grappling with Christian nationalism
  • Rollingstone: Project 2025 Co-Author says it’s time to ”Rehabilitate” Christian Nationalism
  • The New Republic: Project 2025 author talks Christian Nationalism, Trump in leaked video
  • The 74: Texas state education officials won’t say who wrote curriculum with Bible lessons

Check out the previous round-up!

Interview with Faith and Leadership

Director Ruth Braunstein was interviewed by Faith and Leadership on the Meanings of Democracy Lab’s Pluralist Resistance to Christian Nationalism project and Christian nationalism and resistance to it over the last decade. Thanks to a new $300,000 grant from the Henry Luce Foundation, Braunstein will scale up this work through a podcast and interactive web platform where users can explore various resistance efforts.

Where did our work begin? While writing her first book, Braunstein studied two competing views of American democracy—the tea party and a progressive faith-based community organizing coalition:

In the tea party, we saw early rumblings of what we are now calling Christian nationalism, or what I sometimes call a more colorblind Judeo-Christian nationalism. When I was spending time with the faith-based community organizing group, I saw that they were providing a direct rebuttal to that vision of American democracy, which they envisioned as a multiracial pluralistic democracy.

The rebuttal receives comparatively little attention, which legitimizes Christian Nationalism and makes diverse, interfaith, and pluralist Christian communities that present an alternative view difficult to locate.

Braunstein asserts that this research needs to be better investigated, communicated, and visualized. There is significant and growing organizing for resistance, however, these efforts are consistently overshadowed for many reasons:

Many of the efforts are local, many of the efforts are not public-facing, many of the efforts are not explicitly using the term “Christian nationalism,” and they’re quite diffuse across different kinds of networks and sectors that make it difficult to point your finger at one thing and say, ‘Oh, this is a resistance to Christian nationalism.’ Part of the project that my lab is doing, with support from the Luce Foundation, is trying to map that field of resistance as broadly as we can. 

Follow us online and @USDemocracyLab for the latest updates on the project. 


Grant funding for this project comes from the Henry Luce Foundation’s Religion and Theology Program, through an initiative seeking to “Advance Public Knowledge on Democracy, Race and Religion in America.” 

The Henry Luce Foundation seeks to deepen knowledge and understanding in pursuit of a more democratic and just world. Established in 1936 by Henry R. Luce, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Time, Inc., the Luce Foundation advances its mission by nurturing knowledge communities and institutions, fostering 

News Weekly Round-Up, August 5th – August 10th

News Weekly Round-Up, August 5th – August 10th, 2024.

The Weekly Roundup is a student-led initiative of the Meanings of Democracy Lab highlighting the latest news about Christian Nationalism and resistance to it.


Check out the previous round-up!

News Weekly Round-Up, July 29th – August 2nd

News Weekly Round-Up, July 29th – August 2nd, 2024.

The Weekly Roundup is a student-led initiative of the Meanings of Democracy Lab highlighting the latest news about Christian Nationalism and resistance to it.


  • wfdd: Multi-faith Greensboro revival against Christian Nationalism
  • Sojourners: How does Project 2025 compare to the Beloved Community?
  • Truthout: Mark Robinson and “state capture”
  • The Hill: A Louisiana law mandating the Ten Commandments in public schools and a larger plan for Christian influence in education
  • NPR: Impacts of the evangelical purity movement on sex education

Check out the previous round-up!